Terms of use

The information on this website is just that, general information, and is not legal advice.  It is to be used for the factual content concerning the firm generally, and not for reliance on any legal issues.  Please seek specific legal advice if you have legal questions or issues.

Buddle Findlay uses reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information featured on this website is reliable and accurate at the time of publishing.  The content of this website may be updated at any time and may, at times, be out of date, inaccurate and/or incomplete.  Buddle Findlay accepts no responsibility for keeping the content of this website up to date, accurate and/or complete, nor do we accept any liability for any failure to do so.

Neither the partners of Buddle Findlay nor any of its employees make any express or implied representations or give any warranties or guarantees regarding the material or facilities contained or referred to in this website.  We do not accept any liability for:

  • Any loss or damage whatsoever which may arise in any way out of the use of any of the material or facilities
  • Any system unavailability, or for any loss that is incurred as a result of the website being unavailable
  • Errors in, or omissions from, the material or facilities
  • Any loss or damage caused to any equipment or software owing to any viruses, defects or malfunctions in connection with accessing or using this website or the website content or your material
  • Inaccuracy of any information obtained through use of this website.

Your use of this website and any services provided by it is at your sole risk.  This website and associated services provided by it are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.  To the maximum extent permitted by law, Buddle Findlay disclaims and excludes all implied conditions, guarantees or warranties, including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

You agree to ensure that all material you send or upload to this website (including, without limitation, e-mails, text, graphic files, still or moving images, or responses to any questionnaire available through this website) ("your material") is legal, not offensive, truthful and accurate, complies with all applicable laws and regulations, does not infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of us or any third party, is not defamatory, unreliable or misleading or otherwise objectionable and is free of bugs, worms or viruses.

You are solely responsible for your material.  If we consider that any part of your material exposes us to the risk of a claim or complaint by a third party, we may block access to all or part of this website and remove all or part of your material.  You must provide all reasonable assistance in this respect.

You agree not to use this website to advertise or sell any goods or services to us or to other users of this website.

This website contains information and tools that you can browse and access without providing any personal details.  Where you voluntarily provide personal details (eg through online enquiry or registration forms or email requests) we will only use that information for the purpose for which it was intended and to communicate with you.

You agree not to include any information, including personal information, relating to a third party in your material.

Any personal information you submit is stored securely by Buddle Findlay (or a service provider contracted by Buddle Findlay for that purpose) and will not be disclosed to any third parties, except as required or permitted by law (including the Privacy Act 1993).

You have the right under the Privacy Act 1993 to access and/or request correction of your personal information held by Buddle Findlay.

If you want to access and/or request correction of your personal information held by Buddle Findlay, please email bfmail@buddlefindlay.com.

The publication of email addresses and other contact information on this website should not be taken as deemed consent to receiving unsolicited electronic messages.  Anyone wishing to send commercial electronic messages to parties whose contact details appear on this website must comply with the requirements of the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 (NZ).

Buddle Findlay uses cookies to collect data about each visit to this website.  We use that data to generate statistics about how the website is used (eg what pages are accessed, what documents are opened and what tools are used).  This assists us to understand what is important to users and further improve website performance and/or usefulness to users.

A cookie is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by a web browser.  It is sent by a web server to a web browser and then sent back unchanged by the browser each time it accesses that server and is used for remembering data about the computer user (such as IP address, dates and times of visits, pages accessed, documents opened and links clicked).

Our website cookies are not executable – they are neither spyware nor viruses.  If your web browser allows you to, and you decide to, reject or disable our website cookies, it could make some aspects of this website unusable.

These terms of use are governed by New Zealand law and the courts of New Zealand will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any proceedings relating to this website, its contents or these terms of use.

Our rights under these terms of use may be exercised as often as necessary, are cumulative and do not exclude any other legal rights or remedies, and may only be waived in writing.  Any delay in the exercise of these rights is not a waiver of that right.  

This website and its contents are copyright © 2019 Buddle Findlay, except as indicated otherwise.  All rights are reserved except as expressly stated. By using this website you agree not to copy, amend, reproduce, republish or distribute any of the content on this website, or disclose the content to third parties, without permission in writing from Buddle Findlay.  Permission can be sought by contacting us at marketing@buddlefindlay.com.