Our approach
Buddle Findlay’s experienced partnership brings energy and enthusiasm to New Zealand’s legal market. We are known for our strong focus on collaboration and building strategic and enduring relationships. A practical approach allows us to provide balanced advice within a broader commercial context and bring strategic thinking to legal problems.
Working with us
We are committed to helping clients achieve their strategic objectives, by providing tailored, strategic and commercially focused legal advice. We are dedicated to promoting best practice, technical excellence and commercial insight across every aspect of our business.
We stay connected with our clients and follow collaborative-based principles:
We place great importance on teamwork, initiative and integrity. We operate in a highly competitive environment and have built relationships with some of New Zealand's most significant organisations. Our clients include national and multi-national corporations, private equity and venture capital funds, banks and financial institutions, state-owned enterprises, government departments, and local and other statutory authorities. We have strong links with law firms in Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Asia.
We offer comprehensive commercial legal services advising both public and private companies on a full range of corporate and commercial issues and transactions.
We have specialist industry knowledge and the ability to contribute strategic advice in key industries. Our commercial solutions are based on a pragmatic approach to problem solving and we have a 'can do', flexible approach to client service. We operate nationally, providing a fully integrated service from New Zealand's three major commercial centres - Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
We are committed to deliver solutions for our clients - which is our approach to doing business.
Buddle Findlay has been providing legal services for over 130 years. Buddle Findlay represents the merger in 1982 of Wellington firms Buddle Anderson Kent & Co (with a heritage dating back to 1895 with the founding of Buller & Anderson) and Findlay Hoggard Richmond & Co (dating back to 1899 with the founding of Findlay Dalziell & Co). An Auckland office was established in 1986 and strengthened through mergers with the Auckland firm of Malloy Moody & Greville and with the commercial department of Holmden Horrocks & Co. A Christchurch office was added by merging with Brookman Stock in 1989.
Information for clients
We are committed to helping clients achieve their goals, by providing tailored, commercially focused legal advice in a transparent way.
These links contain the information we are required to provide to clients under the Rules of Conduct and Client Care for Lawyers issued by the New Zealand Law Society:
Buddle Findlay's Board of Management is made up of six representatives elected annually by partners. The Board of Management comprises a National Chair and partner representatives from each of our three offices.
The role of the Board of Management is to develop strategies and goals for the firm's business and monitor achievement against those goals.
The Board of Management is as follows:
Jennifer Caldwell
National Chair
Paul Farrugia
Auckland Chair
Charlotte von Dadelszen
Wellington Chair
Jan Etwell
Christchurch Chair
Sherridan Cook
Auckland Board Member
Amy Ryburn
Wellington Board Member
Senior leadership and management team
Philip Maitland, Chief Executive, is responsible to the Board of Management for all aspects of the firm's business management and operations. The senior leadership and the management team are composed of highly experienced and dedicated professionals, each bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our firm. Together, they guide our strategic vision, uphold our commitment to excellence, and ensure that the firm continues to provide exceptional service to our clients.

Philip Maitland
Chief Executive, senior leadership team

Adam Gower
Chief Digital Technology Officer, senior leadership team

Lucy Ryan
Director, People and Culture, senior leadership team

Melanie Christie
Director of Operations, senior leadership team

Olwin Kleve
National Marketing Director, senior leadership team

Ali Tie
Services Manager

Esther Song
National Finance Manager

Paul Kay
National Manager - Trust Account
Tō Tātou Tiakitanga | Ours to care for all
Tō Tātou Tiakitanga brings together our contribution within the areas of diversity and inclusion (D&I), Hikitia (cultural capabilities), Te Hapori (community) and Te Taiao (environment and sustainability).
Within the report, we provide information on the various causes that we support and highlight key Buddle Findlay initiatives in each of these areas. To find out more download our Tō Tātou Tiakitanga report.
Diversity and inclusion
Buddle Findlay's culture is the foundation of who we are as a firm and is integral to delivering our promise: New Zealand's collaborative law firm - helping our clients to be part of a more successful Aotearoa. We respect, value and support our people; our priorities are diversity, inclusion, safety and wellbeing.
We are committed to being market leaders in attracting a diverse workforce and creating the best environment for our people to belong, thrive, and grow their careers. Diversity and inclusion are fundamental elements of Buddle Findlay's strategic priorities and are a lens we place over all our decision making. We know that a diverse workforce will increase our creativity, innovation and profitability, and provide our clients with better experiences.
To find out more about our diversity and inclusion initiatives, download our Tō Tātou Tiakitanga report.
Hikitia | Cultural capabilities
For a number of years, a rōpū within Buddle Findlay has been working on strategies and initiatives to uplift the firm's capability within Te Ao Māori. Our first strategy was launched in 2021 and has recently been updated.
Hikitia (to uplift) is the new name for the strategy, and the kaupapa that is intended to guide Buddle Findlay on our journey to grow our capability in Te Ao Māori. Hikitia for us means uplifting our people and the firm on this journey, using the principles set out below to guide us toward our goals.
Kotahitanga represents unity, togetherness, solidarity and collaborative action
Manaakitanga is to show to others hospitality, kindness, generosity and support
Hononga signifies connections that exist through meaningful relationships
Mātauranga involves sharing knowledge, understanding and comprehension.
To find out more about our Hikitia initiatives, download our Tō Tātou Tiakitanga report.
Te Hapori | Our community
Te Hapori is our strategic framework to guide and support our contribution to the community. We are committed to building a stronger and more sustainable community in New Zealand. After surveying our people, the committee agreed to focus on six priority areas (D&I and environmental matters were excluded from the survey on the basis dedicated committees are already focusing on these areas).
Reducing inequality (for example, education, hunger, poverty, homelessness, minority groups)
Children and rangatahi wellbeing
Māori wellbeing
Mental health and addiction
Access to justice
People living with disabilities.
To find out more about our Te Hapori initiatives, including our pro bono relationships, our Halberg Foundation sponsorship and our Buddle Findlay Child Health Foundation initiatives, download our Tō Tātou Tiakitanga report.
Te Taiao | Environment and sustainability
Buddle Findlay has an Environment committee (Te Taiao) comprising of representatives from across the firm and is complemented by local subcommittees in each office. Participants are volunteers across all levels at Buddle Findlay - people who are passionate about the environment and its interaction with our workplace.
Environmental action is everyone’s business. We have an ambitious goal to become leaders in our approach to reduce our environmental impact. To work towards this goal, we are committed to:
- Maintaining carbon-neutral certification and setting ambitious emissions reduction targets
- Engaging with our people on emissions reduction and broader environmental issues
- Integrating environmental considerations into all aspects of our business.
To find out more about our Te Taiao initiatives download our Tō Tātou Tiakitanga report.