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Buddle Findlay advised Rangatira Investments on its acquisition earlier this month of 50% of New Zealand cookie and slice manufacturer Mrs Higgins for an undisclosed sum.

Buddle Findlay lead partner Steve Nightingale said "We were delighted to help Rangatira make another investment in a successful New Zealand business."  The new capital from Rangatira will enable Mrs Higgins to fund a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant in West Auckland.

Mrs Higgins' current owners retain 50% of the business. 

Rangatira Investments has been investing in New Zealand businesses since 1937.  Its focus is on growing middle-market New Zealand businesses into iconic businesses.  Current investments include Hellers, Polynesian Spa, Rainbow’s End and Bio-Strategy.

Steve was assisted by senior associate Rupert Rouch, tax partner Tony Wilkinson and other specialists.