Amy Ryburn, a partner in our TMT Wellington team, regularly contributes to the IITP Techblog. Here are links to some of her most recent articles which will help you gain insight into smart contracts, supplier failure and the cloud, service credit mechanisms, unfair contract terms and indirect and consequential loss – all highly relevant topics in today's TMT environment.
Smart contracts – what are they and what difference could they make?
One of the hot topics in the technology space at present is blockchain technology which has been heralded by some as the greatest invention since the internet. Read more...
Supplier failure and the cloud
The move to cloud computing continues to grow exponentially as organisations and individuals seek to take advantage of the many benefits offered such as capex savings, improved elasticity and scalability and geographic flexibility. Read more...
Service credit mechanisms – worthwhile or an unhelpful burden?
Service credit mechanisms are very common in contracts for ICT services and solutions. However, there are mixed views about how useful they really are. Read more...
Australia extends its unfair contract terms regime
In a notable development across the Tasman, Australia has extended its unfair contract terms regime to small businesses contracts. Read more...
The problem with indirect and consequential loss
"Neither party will be liable for any indirect or consequential loss under or in connection with this contract". You've probably seen this type of "exclusion clause" hundreds of times in ICT and other commercial contracts and not thought much of it. Read more...