NZDF (1)

Buddle Findlay is delighted to have acted for the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) in negotiating and drafting the new Maritime Fleet Sustainment Services Agreement (MFSS) – Hāpai Taua Manuao – signed by the Chief of Defence Force, Air Marshal Kevin Short and Babcock‘s New Zealand General Manager, James Morton.  The MFSS governs the arrangements for engineering, project management, production and operational support to the entire Royal New Zealand Navy fleet, from the frigates through to small craft, as well as the operation of the Devonport Naval Base, for the next seven and half years.

Buddle Findlay partner Philip Wood said "The Buddle Findlay team enjoyed the challenge of negotiating and drafting this agreement on behalf of NZDF.  This project was helped by the positive and constructive input from Babcock, NZDF, Michael Hiscox and Christopher Woodbridge from MBIE, Alexander Kirch from Mafic Partners, David Holden, and Rachel Brown and team from DLA Piper.  It is great to see this agreement signed and I am sure it will strengthen the collaborative arrangement between the NZDF and Babcock for the benefit of both parties".

The Buddle Findlay team was led by partner Philip Wood, with assistance from partners Renee Stiles, Sherridan Cook, David Broadmore and Susie Kilty, consultant Mel Easton, special counsel Catherine Miller, senior associates Michelle Glading, Matthew Triggs and Keri Johansson, senior solicitors Alishea Patel, Olivia Lewis and Nicola Boyce-Bacon, and solicitors Gabrielle Lintott, Joseph Roberts, Libby Waalkens, Jayden van Leeuwen, Angelina Andrevski and Lucy Washington Emerson.